As I mentioned in my last post, this site doesn’t only cover onaholes even though that’s in the name. All sorts of sex toys are covered here including hips and titty toys. There aren’t as many bouncing boobs on the market as there are onaholes but every year more and more sets of synthetic jugs go up for sale. Most of them seem to come from Asia. There aren’t many of these things being sold in the US or Europe. Thankfully, there are a whole host of retailers who ship around the world.
The Puru Puru Oppai Finale by TamaToys has been on my list of the Top 10 Onaholes since this website first went online back in 2015. Even though it is not an onahole exactly I do think it is one of the best male sex toys being sold today. That is as true now in 2017 as it was back in 2015 when I first go the idea to write about this little hobby of mine. Unfortunately I recently removed the toy from the list since it is no longer sold online.
For those who don’t know the word oppai means tits in Japanese. Puru puru is a Japanese onomatopoeia that sort of describes the feeling of big bouncing boobs in your hands (or face, or mouth, or wrapped around your unit). So the name of this toy is quite fitting and accurate for the most part. I don’t quite understand the “finale” part, but two out of three ain’t bad.
The Oppai Finale comes in a box that is around the same size as a Meiki toy box. It is a little different though. The front is totally open so you can actually see the titty toy inside. There are some pictures of a busty anime babe on the top and back. Inside the box there is a small package of lube that isn’t really sufficient for use of this toy, though it may work in a pinch.
The toy itself consist of two big round breasts with a flat backing. The tanned breasts are topped with light pink nipples. Between the two tits there is something like a half of an onahole. A series of ridges and nobs is situated to stimulate the underside of the penis when this toy is used for titty wanking, which by the way is known as paizuri in Japanese.
The Puru Puru has real heaviness that resembles an actual set of jugs. The boobs are a little denser than the real things though and the skin is not real to the touch. The nipples are also lighter than the real thing and are a little too short, even though they can be pulled with a little effort. That doesn’t mean this isn’t a good toy. These are just the facts. I’ve said many times before that the best toys aren’t always the most realistic. For me the most important thing is the feeling a toy creates. Everything else is secondary. When I’m in the mood for realism, I go out and score with a living breathing woman. The nipples are more realistic when sucked than they are when touched by hand. The boobs are still rubbery though and they have a slight smell to that effect though it isn’t really bad at all.
The half canal in between the tits looks a lot like the old school types of onaholes that first came out. Or the cheap “pocket pussies” that are still sold in a lot of sex toys shops around the US. Looks can be deceiving however. This thing feels absolutely great.
Obviously, it is very easy to lubricate. All it takes is a squirt right there where the magic is made. The best lubricants to use with this toy are the thick and slightly sticky liquids like the SOD Emotion Type Lotion I always rave about on this site. With this kind of lube the tits actually stick together and make for an even more snug fit.
This toy can easily be held up with two hands and done that way. With a little wrapping around it is almost like using a heavy onahole or hip. This feels awesome. This use alone would make it worth the price of purchase. There are other ways to go it though. Laying the toy down flat on the floor and sitting over it produces absolutely incredible sensations. With the unit pushed down in between the breasts and moved back and forth and absolutely amazing feeling is created that rivals some of the best male sex toys ever made.
Two hands can be used to squeeze the breasts in around the meat this way, which makes the thing feel even better. It is an all over sensation with many different feelings coming at once. The ridges can’t necessarily be distinctly felt but they contribute to the wonderfulness of it all. I get a warm feeling in my heart when writing this just thinking about the great fun I have had with these fake fun bags!
The Oppai Oppai Finale creates a great feeling but it is not overly stimulating. This allows for longer sessions and easy going comfortable finishes that aren’t necessarily as intense as those produced by toys like the Julia + but mind blowing and quite relieving and relaxing nonetheless.
Cleaning the toy is a piece of cake. You just rinse it off with soap and water. It dries quickly and easily too. It is also durable and built to last. Even the attached nipples hold up to serious use. I have no complaints about this toy.
The Puru Puru Oppai Finale was available at J-List and Kanojo Toys but it has been sold out for some time. You can still find this toy at some stores in Tokyo. If you are able to find it for sale online anywhere, please let me know in the comment section below.
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