Japanese manga and anime is very popular in Japan and increasingly around the world. Admittedly I do not have much of an interest in the subject except when it intersects with my love of Japanese male sex toys. Fans of the art seem to prefer the hand drawn variety to anything more modern. Computer generated images are rarely seen and apparently even computer aided animation can cause dust ups among those who watch the cartoons religiously.
The Secret Lover Himekano by the PPP company is based around a computer generated woman featured prominently in the nude on the front of the box. The characters were developed in a series of hentai mangas available in book form and online. I’m old enough to remember when a poorly rendered version of ET was the best a computer could do. From there we went through the phony computer generated Max Headroom stage before somehow ending up here. When watching Coke commercials years ago I had no way to know that I would once be looking at an erection inducing computer generated girl on the box of a plastic pussy.
The Secret Lover comes in a neat matte box decorated with images of the virtual Himekano in all sorts of alluring positions. The box is a little larger than the average onahole container but it is hardly a burden to pick up even with the large bottle of unlabeled lubricant provided.
The onahole itself is also a little larger than normal though it is of similar to size to other high quality toys like the Maria Ozawa Meiki. The toy is modeled after a woman’s body and like the recently reviewed Kiwami Zoukei Julia toy has its own set of nice round tits. Those are fun to play with and at the very least are a better bit to grip that a random rough section of rubber.
The body is actually molded quite well. Since the toy is meant to be hand held it is obviously not to scale but the whole thing shows that real thought and effort was put into its design. It is crafted to really resemble a lady’s curves. It even comes complete with an arched back and shoulder blades.
At a whopping 600 grams, the Secret Lover Himekano is one of the heaviest onaholes around. In comparison, the high-quality La Bocca Della Verita weighs only 400 grams. I think the Himekano may be the heaviest of all but I can’t be completely sure since my near encyclopedic knowledge of Japanese sex toys does not include weights of every product ever put on the market.
Although the Himekano is one of the heaviest toys handling it is no problem. Six hundred grams isn’t actually much weight. In this case it is simply a sign of density and high quality. It is just as easy to use this toy as any other but it has the added benefit of being solid and springing back with each thrust.
The material used to make the toy is top quality and dense though it does have a bit of stickiness to it. The molded vagina is the puffy or “innie” type with big full outer lips. These spread to reveal a long slit that leads to the tunnel of love.
The slit makes the toy easier to lube up than some other toys with tiny round orifices. Once lubricated the Himekano is extremely easy to enter and accommodating. The inside of the toy is made of a darker pink plastic that the skin-colored exterior. It is also filled with amazing features.
I usually try to compare toys that look like or have plastic vaginas to the real thing. I guess that a lot of people buying them are looking to simulate the experience of real sex. Or that the manufacturers are trying to simulate it with their products. A toy doesn’t have be realistic to feel good though. Some of the most stimulating and best feeling toys I’ve tried aren’t much like the real thing at all.
Still the real thing is good. Great in fact. That’s why so many people go to such great lengths to get it.
There is some social question over the power of computers and artificial intelligence. Some say the question is not if but when the computers will become so powerful that they will take over and turn us all into their slaves. I don’t have such high thoughts when I’m balls deep in an onahole. That’s one reason I used them.
The Secret Lover Himekano is based on a computer generated woman. It is modeled on a calculated image of a woman rather than the real thing. In spite of that it is probably the most realistic feeling onahole ever created. It is right up there with the Julia+ and in terms of matching the sensations created by a vagina it probably surpasses it.
In any event, the Secret Lover Himekano is very fun to use. It creates wonderful sensations and is extremely well made and durable. For the price it is one of the best buys to ever come out of the wide world of Japanese adult entertainment.
The toy makes little nose and holds lube well. A bit of SOD Emotion or SOD Creation goes a long way with this thing.
Although they are not so realistic the tits are actually fun to play with. There’s something about flicking a little set of hooters around when going at it that adds to the experience.
Different sensations can be created by rotating the toy. They all feel quite real especially as the toy heats up. Spinning the toy around into a doggy style position creates feelings that are totally out of this world. They are difficult to describe in words even for a guy like me who spends week after week writing about this sort of thing.
The toy is even easy to clean. It cannot really be spun inside out but the slit opening allows easy access for water, fingers or purpose built cleaners to get inside and spruce things up for future use. The high end material the toy is made of means there is little worry of ripping or ever even wearing the thing out.
All considered this is one of top picks and all time favorite onaholes. Few other toys can even come close to comparing. That’s why it sits prominently atop my list of the top ten onaholes.
The Secret Lover Himekano is available at OtonaJP.
I was looking at this for awhile then, started looking at other onaholes then ended up looking back at this one as the other top prospects we’re “loli” with small tits and I had a hard time wanting one… XD anyway I found this review and said fuck it I’m going to buy this one! It just arrived and omg the feeling you get from this are really really amazing x.x.. only problem I seen with it is the lips between the butt were slightly torn did you get this? but I dont think it’ll effect how it feels to much. But it makes me afraid of washing it mainly drying how do you recommend doing it?